How To Build A Massive Email List

Marketers all know that building contacts and mailing lists is a vital component to running a successful brand because it allows them to target those who are most likely to buy their products or attend upcoming events.

Below are some helpful tips to guide you in collecting as many email addresses as possible and building new leads.

Provide a Place to Sign Up

Your website, blog posts, email signatures, and social media all serve as great locations to place a subscription button to your email.

When choosing your placement, keep in mind your color scheme and select a contrasting color tone with the background so your call-to-action will stand out immediately to your visitors.

call to action example


This strategy of coloris also known as color psychology; to learn how to use this tactic for marketing click here.

You can also create landing pages/pop-ups to ask visitors to submit their contact information in exchange for services and good such as a guide, ebook, or any information of value to them. 


Post Calls to Action (CTA)

Use every opportunity you can to add people to your list by simply asking them! Add a link to your social media, every Facebook blurb, blog post, or any other communication you have with your potential customers.

When adding these links create a button with a CTA phrase telling them what to do. Here are some common CTA phrases you can try out. 

-Subscribe Now

-Read More

-Go To Our Blog

-Download Ebook

These CTA tell your readers what to do, rather than suggesting something so they are more compelled to click on that CTA. 


Create Email Content People Want to Follow

Your subscribers will stay subscribed to your newsletters when it solves a problem they regularly experience or interests them.

Be informative and speak to their pain points in a way that gets at their real issues while providing resolutions. The first step to creating valuable content is creating your business personas so you know exactly what your subscribers want.

To learn more about how you can create your personas, click here


Create an Opt-in Campaign

Devise a freebie (ebook or guide) that identifies a core struggle your ideal clients deal with daily and give this to them in exchange for their subscription to your email list.

Opt-in is letting your users or new potential leads have the option to give up their information in exchange for something you are offering, thus creating a new lead for you and adding to your list. 


Add a Subscription Link to Your Email Signature

You likely have contacts, friends, clients, and colleagues with whom you communicate with from time to time via electronic correspondence. An automatic signature can include your business‘s social media account as well as an option of subscribing to your mailing list acting as a low-pressure tool. 

Create Gated Content 

Dangle the prospect of wanted material or information and give access to it once a reader subscribes. There are many ways you can entice your readers to give you their contact data and information is one of them.

The content is referred to as gated because people can‘t get to it unless their personal information is given; similar to a key that unlocks a gate.

Once they submit it they have access to what was promised and free to go about their day while you gain a new lead and can now add them to your subscription list. 


Create a Blog  

Your website will serve many purposes, and one is facilitating the creation of written articles that will bring traffic to your site and entice people to subscribe so they never miss a blog again.

This can take time as you need to build your article list and reputation, but once your blog is ready to go and if the information is informative and valuable you should have no problem getting subscribers. 

If you are ready to promote and advertise your new blog, I suggest creating an advertising strategy to get you started. 


Guest blog 

You can reap the benefits of another influencer’s tribe by writing posts that will be featured on their site.

When you do, make sure to supply visitors with an easy way to subscribe to your newsletter, social media accounts, and your contact information so you can get the most out of your guest post. 

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