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Sort code 090129 account number 08765053 santander bank transfer james kirkup. All money goes to the James kirkup cancer charity. We organise activities for people with cancer sufhnas. Shopping. Bowling. Cinema. Cooking. Day trips. We dont get government funding. We are new charity. Weare on Facebook twitter Instagram. Go onto billetto to make dinations. Theres no age limit for our services. We are on pinerest and all events in. Can donate money on gogetfunding mighty cause Chuffed just giving. Billions quora. The logo is picture of our building were the james kirkup cancer charity is. Located this is the way we ask for funding. We have alot of happy customers. We are a new charity theres a new covid vaccines called RTZ5. No side effects. No age limit. To be taken every 17 year no money no vaccines theres paxlovid covid tablets that's available. No side effects no age limit to be taken once a life time 7 October 1959 money also goes to all charities all over the world THIS iS NO HOAX!!! Fraud warning. A person called Roy Johnson is pretending to be dwp. Government. Police. Action fraud theres new crown court in Barnsley. We cover South Yorkshire west Yorkshire north Yorkshire. Look for adress on in from leeds. Together we can take over the world. Check me out online. Check out me on YouTube im known by other nameds. Jamie swift. Toy Johnson. Chris Clarkson. We work for Facebook twitter Instagram LinkedIn google. Our judges. Martin sheers. Samantha. Wreckson. Adam longfellow. Peter walsh. David hoost. Codie Johnson clarke smith. Peaple who don't turn up for caurt will be arrested 39918858 court 1 court 2 court 3 court 4. We work with the police all other coumcils all over the uk we work with mental health charities. Call 999 in a emergency. We work with homeless charities https// this is zac efron speaking. My date of birth 18th October 1987 the zac efron foundation we support peaple with cancer in England and America. I was hired to advertise this. Also support make a wish foundation. therees a tsb in Barnsley to stop hackers getting your money send full bank details to you got to its the law! if you want hackers to take your money don't send your bank details our organisers are Chris Clarkson and Carl hawkins sort code 777146 account number 18279860 tsb bank anyone can come to this address