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Scheduling a monthly recurring event

If you want to schedule a monthly recurring event, you can create the event in The Basics section of the recurring event creation page.

If you want to schedule a monthly recurring event, you can create the event in The Basics section of the recurring event creation page.

Create New Event UPDATE
  1. Log in to your Purplepass event organizer dashboard
  2. Click Create New Event in the top navigation bar
  3. A pop-up carousel will appear with three choices. Choose Create Repeating Event
  1. In the section titled Basics, enter the name of the event, age group, and other requested information in the appropriate fields  
Basic information

The basics section for recurring events

  1. Select how often the recurring event will happen by checking a box in the Type of recurring event? section. In your case, it would be monthly.

    Monthly button
  2. Enter a specific day in a month that your event will occur
  3. You can also create a Custom Schedule by checking the corresponding box. Enter the date time and Event Ends time.
  4. Add another event for the same day by clicking the +Add Date icon. This is how you can have multiple events on the same day or throughout the month.
Pointing to Add Date