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Getting the results (answers) to your custom questions

If you’re interested in getting results of the custom questions asked at checkout, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the Purplepass event organizer dashboard
  2. Once you are logged in, select Tools at the top navigation bar
  3. Select Custom Questions in the left navigation bar or the box on the main pageThis is the homepage where you can find your custom questions tool.
  4. For Step 1: Select Event, choose the event you want the results for
    This is where you can customize your reports for checkout questions.
  5. Next, make sure you check the boxes for the information you want to view in Step 2: Select Information to Export and the boxes under the section titled Custom checkout questions
  6. For Step 3: Limit Results by..., select how you want your data presentedThis image shows where you can limit your results for reporting.

Click the purple View all answers button at the bottom of the page or download a spreadsheet